



专升本社区是一家为广大升本学子提供全国专升本政策,考试大纲,备考信息,报名考试时间,考试科目,复习资料,升本专业,升本院校等信息的资讯类网站。本网站为了保护网络信息安全,保障用户合法权益的同时为广大学员提供更优质的服务,将严格遵循合法、正当、必要的原则,收集您的个人信息和需求。承诺在本网站中收集到的您个人信息将受到严格的保护,为了使您能得到优质的服务,仅限于向专升本社区网站总部及您所在地区分校教务人员提供您的个人信息(包括姓名、联系电话、就读院校),并承诺将严格保护,不得向任何第三方泄露或披露,并确保不对您造成骚扰。 如您选择线上咨询平台上的升本在线服务,即表示您完全知晓并同意上述专升本社区网站收集、使用信息的目的和方式和范围,请填写您的个人信息;如您不同意,您可选择退出本网页,选择其他方式了解升本在线服务。















感谢您信任并使用专升本社区的服务!我们根据最新的法律法规、监管政策要求,更新了《用户隐私政策》。 本次更新进一步明确了我们如何收集和使用您的信息以及如何存储您的信息。请您仔细阅读并充分理解以下条款,特别提醒您应留意本《用户隐私政策》中加粗形式的条款内容。如果您不同意本《用户隐私政策》,您可能无法正常使用我们的产品、服务。




1. 我们如何收集和使用您的信息

2. 我们如何存储您的信息

3. 我们如何使用Cookie以及同类技术

4. 我们可能向您发送的信息

5. 您如何了解和控制自己的用户信息

6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息

7. 本《用户隐私政策》的适用范围

8. 本《用户隐私政策》如何更新

9. 如何与我们联系


1. 我们如何收集和使用您的信息

1.1 我们将根据合法、正当、必要的原则,按照如下方式收集您在使用服务时主动提供的或因为使用服务而产生的信息,用以向您提供服务、优化我们的服务以及保障您的帐户安全。

1.2 您在注册、登录时提供的个人信息及我们的使用方式:

(1) 如您用其他方式注册、登录专升本社区相关产品时,我们会收集手机号码、密码。如您仅需浏览、搜索等功能,您不需要注册或登录,亦无需提供以上信息。如您不提供手机号码,将无法使用我们的服务。

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1.3 您在产品或服务中主动提供的信息及我们的使用方式:

(1) 如您在个人资料编辑时提供的昵称、头像、性别、学校、地区、报考城市、考试类型、真实姓名、电子邮件、个人简介。这些资料将帮助我们更好地了解您并为您提供更优质的服务。

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(3) 如您使用客服等用户响应功能时,您可能需要提供您的手机号码、QQ号码或您向我们主动提供的其他联系方式,我们收集这些信息是为了核验您的用户身份信息、调查事实、帮助您解决问题,如您拒绝提供可能导致您无法使用我们的客服等用户响应功能。我们亦会保存您与我们的客服沟通信息和回复内容。

1.4 我们在您使用我们的产品和服务时获取的信息及我们的使用方式:

1.4.1 为保障您正常使用我们的产品和服务,维护我们产品和服务的正常运行,改善及优化您的服务体验并保障您的帐号安全,我们会收集您的下述信息:

(1) 日志信息:当您使用我们的产品和服务时,我们可能会自动收集相关信息并存储为服务日志信息。如登录帐号、IP地址、搜索记录、收听观看记录、网页浏览记录、服务故障信息等。

1.5 我们会根据以上在您使用产品或服务时获取的信息开展数据分析和研究,改进我们的内容布局和推广效果,为商业决策提供产品或服务支持。

1.6 其他用户分享的信息中含有您的信息及我们的使用方式


1.7 请您理解,我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在前述说明中且收集了您的个人信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程、网站公告等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的,以征得您的同意。

1.8 关于个人信息和个人敏感的提示



2. 我们如何存储您的信息

2.1 存储信息的地点


2.2 存储信息的期限


(1) 为遵守相关法律法规的规定;

(2) 为遵守法院判决、裁定或其他法律程序的规定;

(3) 为遵守相关政府机关或法定授权组织的要求;

(4) 为执行相关服务协议或本《隐私政策》、维护社会公共利益,为保护们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益所合理必需的用途。

(5) 其他法律法规规定或您另行授权同意的情形。

2.3 存储信息的方式


2.4 当我们的产品或服务发生停止运营的情形时,我们将采取合适的方式(例如推送通知、站内信、公告等形式)通知您,并在合理的期限内删除或匿名化处理您的个人信息。


3. 我们如何使用Cookie以及同类技术

Cookie 和同类技术是互联网中普遍使用的技术。当您使用专升本社区及相关服务时,我们可能会使用相关技术收集您的信息。我们使用 Cookie 和同类技术主要为了实现以下功能或服务:

3.1 保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转:我们可能会设置认证与保障安全性的 Cookie 或匿名标识符,使我们确认您是否安全登录服务,或者是否遇到盗用、欺诈及其他不法行为。这些技术还会帮助我们改进服务效率,提升登录和响应速度。

3.2 帮助您获得更轻松的访问体验:使用此类技术可以帮助您省去重复您填写个人信息、输入搜索内容的步骤和流程(例如:表单填写)。



4. 我们可能向您发送的信息

4.1 信息推送

您在使用我们的产品和服务时,我们可能向您发送提醒、声音和图标标记,以及电子邮件、短信等其他方式的推送通知。 您可以在设备的设置等相关页面选择取消。

4.2 与产品和服务有关的公告

我们可能在必要时向您发出与产品和服务有关的公告。 您可能无法取消这些与产品和服务有关、性质不属于广告的公告。


5. 您如何了解和控制自己的用户信息

5.1 我们将尽一切可能采取适当的技术手段,保证您可以了解、更新和更正自己的注册信息或使用我们的服务时提供的其他用户信息。在了解、更新、更正和删除前述信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障帐户安全。一般情况下,您可随时修改自己提交的信息,但出于安全性和身份识别的考虑,您可能无法修改注册时提供的某些初始注册信息、验证信息及认证信息。

5.2 如您不希望您的部分信息被我们获取,您可以通过关闭设备权限的方式停止我们获得您的个人信息。您开启下述权限即代表您授权我们可以收集和使用该权限相应的个人信息来为您提供对应服务,您关闭前述权限即代表您取消了授权,我们将不再基于对应权限继续收集和使用相关个人信息,也无法为您提供该权限所对应的服务,但不影响您使用我们的其他服务。但是,您关闭权限的决定不会影响我们此前基于您的授权所进行的信息收集及使用,但您可以通过第5.3条内容删除有关记录:

5.3 在您使用专升本社区期间,为了让您更便捷地控制您的个人信息,我们在产品和服务设计中为您提供了相应的操作设置,您可参考下面的指引进行操作。

5.3.1 访问个人信息:



6. 我们如何保护您的个人信息

6.1 为保障您的个人信息安全,我们在合理的安全水平内使用各种安全保护措施来保障您的信息,防止数据遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。例如,我们使用加密技术(如SSL)、匿名化处理等手段来保护您的个人信息。

6.2 我们建立专门的管理制度、审批流程和组织确保信息安全。例如,我们严格限制访问信息的人员范围,要求他们遵守保密义务,并进行审查。

6.3 我们鼓励我们的工作人员学习信息安全知识、提高个人信息安全保护意识,并定期或不定期对我们的工作人员进行信息安全培训。

6.4 若不幸发生个人信息泄露等安全事件,按照法律法规要求,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大,并及时告知您:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知用户时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。

6.5 互联网环境并非百分之百安全,当出现下列非因我们过错而对您的信息造成泄露及由此造成的损害结果,我们无需承担任何责任:

(1) 任何由于黑客攻击、计算机病毒侵入或发作、因政府管制而造成的暂时性关闭等影响网络正常经营之不可抗力而造成的个人资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被篡改等。

(2) 在使用专升本社区的过程中链接到其它网站或因接受来自第三方的服务所造成之个人资料泄露及由此而导致的任何法律争议和后果。



7. 本《用户隐私政策》的适用范围

7.1 我们的所有产品和服务均适用本《用户隐私政策》。但某些产品或服务可能会有其特定的隐私政策适用条款,该特定隐私政策适用条款更具体地说明我们在该产品或服务中如何处理您的个人信息。除非有特殊说明,若本《用户隐私政策》与该特定产品或服务的隐私政策适用条款有不一致之处,请以该特定隐私政策适用条款为准。

7.2 请您注意,本《用户隐私政策》不适用由其他公司或个人提供的产品或服务。如果您使用第三方的产品或服务,须受该第三方的隐私政策而非本《用户隐私政策》)约束,您需要仔细阅读其政策内容。

7.3 本《用户隐私政策》为《用户服务协议》及相关协议的重要组成部分,本《用户隐私政策》内的名词定义参照《用户用户服务协议》,适用于专升本社区相关服务。


8. 本《用户隐私政策》如何更新

8.1 随着我们的服务范围扩大,我们可能适时更新本《用户隐私政策》的条款,更新内容构成本《用户隐私政策》的一部分。如更新后的《用户隐私政策》导致您的权利发生实质改变,我们将在更新前通过显著位置提示或以其他方式通知您,为避免您不能及时获知更新,请您经常阅读本《用户隐私政策》。

8.2 无论何种方式,若您继续使用我们的服务,即表示同意受更新后的《用户隐私政策》约束。

8.3 更新后的《用户隐私政策》将以更新日期为生效日期,并取代之前的《用户隐私政策》。


9. 如何与我们联系


专升本社区 > 专升本考试 > 2016年浙江专升本英语真题
发布时间:2019-11-25 15:49
浙江省 2016 年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试

浙江省 2016 年选拔优秀高职高专毕业生进入本科学习统一考试






2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净 后,再选涂其他答案的标号。不能答在试卷上。

Part 1 Reading

Section A

Format 1

The moment two humans lay eyes on each other has incredible. The first sight of you bums its way into your new acquaintance’s eyes and can stay printed in his or her memory forever.

Artists are something able to capture this quicksilver, short emotional response. I have a friend, Robert Grossman, an accomplished artist who draws regularly for Forbes, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone and other popular publications. Robert has a unique gift for capturing not only the physical appearance of his subjects, but zeroing in on the essence of their personalities. The bodies and souls of hundreds of figures radiate from his sketch pad(素描) . One glance at his pictures of famous people, you can see, for instance, the insecure of arrogance of Madonna, the boyishness of Clinton, the awkwardness of George Bush.

Something at a party, Robert will do a quick sketch on a cocktail napkin of a guest. When he’s finished drawing , he puts his pen down and hands a napkin to the guest. Often a puzzled look comes over the subject’s face. He or she usually mumbles some politeness like, well, er, that is great. But it really is not me. The crowd’s convincing echo of Oh yes it is! drowns down the subject ,who is left to stare back at the world’s view of himself of herself in the napkin. Once I asked Robert how he could capture people’s personalities so well. He said ,It is simple. I just look at them. Almost every side of people’s personalities is evident from their appearance, their gesture, the way they move.

First impressions are incredible. Because in our fast-paced information-overload world, multiple stimuli bombard us every second, people’s heads are spinning. They must form quick judgments to make sense of the world and get on with what they have to do. Whenever people meet you, they take an instant mental snapshot. That image of you becomes the data that they deal with for a long time.

1.People usually get the first impression if a person through .

A.reading an article about him or her in a famous magazine

B.getting acquainted with his or her beat friends

C.taking a brief look at his or her appearance

D.studying his or her personality carefully

2.Why does the author say that Robert has a unique gift?

A.He can draw the subject carefully

B.He can memorize the names of people instantly

C.He can illustrate the subject’s characteristic

D.He can communicate with famous people effectively

3.What does the phrase zeroing in on most probably mean?

A.relying on

B.responding on

C.acknowledging on


4.The puzzled look on the subject’s face suggests that__________.

A.the artist’s drawing is out of subject’s expectation

B.the crowed treated the subject rudely

C.the artist failed to show his respect for the subject

D.the image of the drawing was too real to believe

5.We can conclude from the passage that__________.

A.one should never trust a person by his or her appearance

B.the first impression usually has a long lasting influence

C.the judgment based on the first impression is always reliable

D.we can no longer make any sense of the information an hand

Passages 2

My dad was a plumber for the public works department in our town, so from time to time he came into my school. Can you imagine sitting in the class and seeing your dad peek through the door of your classroom and wave at you? In junior high?

One girl in our class always made fun of me because my dad was a plumber and hers was a lawyer, and she would always say things like, that’s gross! I must admit that I was sometimes embarrassed by what my dad did, especially in my early teens, when the only thing I really cared about was what the other girls thought.

The girl lived a few streets away from us, and a winter day--the day her older sister got married--the toilet in their main upstairs bathroom cracked and there was water everywhere. Her father called every plumber in the yellow book but nobody would come out because of the major snowstorm. His daughter told her father that my father was a plumber, and he called. My father went over and took me with him. (maybe he was hoping that the lawyer’s daughter would be nicer to me.) My father fixed the toilet, help them clean up everything, and didn’t take a dime for the trouble. But as we were leaving, he told the girl, If I ever need a lawyer, I’ll be happy to call your dad.

As we walked to our car, he said to me, Do you believe he didn’t know where the main shut-off valve was? What a dumb ass!

From that point on, her dad was known in school as Attorney Dumb Ass.

When my husband and I bought our house, the first thing my father showed him was shut-off valve.

I have always been proud to say that I am a plumber’s daughter.

6.When her father came to her school and peeked through the classroom door, the writer might feel ________.

A. pleased

B. embarrassed

C. disappointed

D. threatened

7.The girl’s attitude towards the writer can be best described as ________.

A. unfriendly

B. doubtful

C. kind

D. sympathetic

8.In her early teens, the only thing the writer cared about was ________.

A. her study

B. her appearance

C. what her father did

D. what the other girls thought

9.Why couldn’t the lawyer find anybody to fix the toilet on that winter day?

A. He had little money

B. All the plumbers were too busy to come

C. There was a major snowstorm and nobody would come out

D. One of his daughters was getting married and the house was in a mess

10.What might the writer’s father think of the lawyer?

A. Generous

B. Intelligent

C. Stupid

D. Respectful

Passage 3

Imagine a guitar so tiny that you can't see it with the human eye, but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled. Some people say the future is big, but when it comes to technology, the world is getting smaller.

Nanotechnology (纳米技术) is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world. Micro-machines too small to been seen by the eye are being designed to do many things. And these machines no larger than in diameter than a human hair, are extremely powerfully. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution (工业革命).

Nano comes from the Greek word dwarf . A nanometer is one-billion of a meter. The period of the end of this sentence can contain about 100 micrometers, which in equal to 100,000 nanometers. To understand this new technology, we have to get rid of the normal ideas of size and strength.

Minute(微小的) robots, called nanorobots are being developed in the revolutionize manufacturing. Instead of cars being produced on assembling line, for example, scientist predict that cars can be built in a giant container onto which raw material and machines have been placed. Thousands of nanorobots will direct the process and tell the machine what to do.

Micro-machines can also be used to make our environment safer. Today, poison chemicals are stored in containers or transported by trucks or trains. This sometimes result in dangerous spills. But with nanotechnology, manufacturers could have their own tiny chemical factories. The produce would be no bigger than a sugar cube and would manufacture exactly the amount of chemicals needed at the moment. No chemicals would need to be stored. The workplace would be safer, and the environment would be cleaner.

11. The author mentions guitar at the beginning of the passage in order to_________ .

A. introduce the knowledge of guitar

B. introduce the topic of nanotechnology

C. show his or her own interest in music

D. describe the craft of making musical instruments

12. According to the passage, why does the nanotechnology lead to the next industrial revolution?

A. Micro-machines are tiny but beautiful

B. Micro-machines are strong but smart

C. Micro-machines are small but powerful

D. Micro-machines are cute and varied

13. The word dwarf in Pra.3 is closest in meaning to___________.

A. clever

B. slow

C. quick

D. minute

14. With nanotechnology, where will cars probably be produced?

A. On assemble line

B. In huge containers

C. Inside the micro-machines

D. Inside the nanorobots

15. Which of the following is NOT the causes leading to cleaner environment by adopting nanotechnology?

A. There will be less dangerous spills.

B. The amount of produced chemicals can be precisely controlled.

C. Micro-factories need not store chemicals.

D. The factories will be of large size.

Passage 4

When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening, she knew it was something important. He listen as a park ranger explained the situation. Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness. Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and called on her dog. Aly, a shepherd. She and Aly raced to their rescue truck and climbed in. Then Caroline put on the emergency light and stepped on the gas. She knew they had no time to late.

In the dark Pennsylvania wood, Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children. It was a fierce autumn night, and she became cold and exhausted. Suddenly, she saw footprint ahead. In the cold, it was difficult for Aly to pick up the children’s scent, but finally he found it and began to bark. Then two miles down the road, Aly began to yelp with joy, and Caroline began to run. There were shivering and crying, but they were safe.

Caroline and Aly are a specialized team with many amazing, life-saving rescues to their credit. She had always loved dogs and used to raise them as hobby. One day a friend suggested canine search and rescue team.

Caroline and Aly makes an excellent team. Dogs have a great sensitivity to smell. She trained Aly to find the scent of humans underground and in open spaces. Caroline is a natural athletes who skis and mountain climbs, and she is highly skilled in wilderness survival. She and Aly can find people faster than a dozen human searchers can. Caroline can also speak seven languages, so she often translates for other rescue works when she works in different countries.

16. Which of the following can best describe the situation in Pra.1?

A. Relaxing

B. Urgent

C. Indifferent

D. Ordinary

17. Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to the different situation in Pra.2?

A. Caroline got lost.

B. The weather was cold.

C. Caroline was very tired.

D. It was difficult for Aly to find the scent.

18. When the children were found, they were______ .

A. excited and happy

B. shivering and crying

C. disappointed and angry

D. shouting and smiling

19. It can be learned from the last paragraph that_______.

A. Aly rescued many earthquake victims

B. Caroline climbed many famous mountains

C. Caroline knows how to survive in wilderness

D. Caroline and Aly are best team in the world

20. Which of the following can be best title of the passage?

A. Seven children

B. Aly the rescue dog

C. Search and rescue skills

D. A search and rescue team

Format 2

A dictionary contains a definition of friendship somewhere in the F’s between the words fear and Friday. An encyclopedia supplies interesting facts on friendship. But all the definitions and facts do not convey what friendship is really all about. 21)___________ It is an experience that involves all senses.

22)___________ It is seen in an old couple sitting in the park holding hands. It is the way they touch, a touch as light as a leaf floating in the autumn air, a touch so strong that years of living could not pull them apart. Friendship is seen in a child freely sharing the last cookie. It is the small arm over the shoulder of another as they walk on the playground. Seeing friendship is not casual. It is watching for subtlety, but friendship is there for eyes that can see.

23) ___________It is heard in the words of two friends squeezing in lunch together on an extremely busy day. It is the way they walk each other, not the words. Their tone is unique. Friendship can be heard by those willing to listen.

Friendship is felt in a touch. It is a pat on the back from a teammate, a high five between classes, the slimy, wet kiss from the family dog. It’s a touch that reassures that someone is there, someone who cares. The touch communicates more than words or gestures. It is instantly understood and speaks volumes beyond the point of contact, to the heart.

Friendship has a taste. 24)_________ , the ingredients all measured and planned, then carefully mixed and kneaded, then the quiet waiting as the dough rises. Hot from the oven, the bread tastes more than the sum of its ingredients . There are something else there, perhaps the thoughts of the baker as her hands knead the dough, or her patience as she waits for the dough to rise. Unseen and unmeasured, this is the ingredient that makes the difference .Warm, fresh from the oven with a little butter, the difference you taste is friendship.

Finally, more than the other senses, friendship is an experience of the heart. 24)___________ , --- a language without words, vowels, or consonants; a language that, whether seen, felt, heard, or tasted, is understood by the heart. Like air fills the lungs, friendship fills the heart, allowing us to experience the best life has to offer: a friend.

A. Friendship has a smell.

B. It is the language of the heart

C. It tastes like homemade bread

D. The only way to understand friendship is through experience.

E. Friendship can be seen.

F. It is a pat on the back from a teammate.

G. Friendship can be heard.

Section B

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City. Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to __26__ golf.He walked up to the fellow at the ticket counter and said, "How __27__ much is it to get in?" The young man replied,"$3.00 for you and $3.00 __28__ any kid who is older than six, We let them in free29they are six or younger. How old are they?"

Bobby replied, "The lawyer’s three and the doctor is seven, so I guess I have __30__ pay $6.00." The man at the ticket counter __31__ ,"Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something? You could have saved yourself three bucks. You could have told me that the older one was six; I wouldn't have known the __32_ _ ."Bobby replied," Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference." __33__ Ralph Waldo Emerson said, Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying. In challenging times when ethics are more important __34__ ever before, make sure you set a good __35__ for everyone you work and live with.

A. handle、B. though、C. difference、D. for、E. A、 F. to 、G. than、H. play、I. said、J. spreads、K. example、L. which、M. Due to、N. if、O. much

Part 2 Integrated Testing

Section A

I collected my two-year-old grandson Max from kindergarten to take him to hospital to visit his mother and new baby brother. __36__buckling him into his car seat,I shut the rear door and went round to the driver’s door to collect the __37__,only to find that it was locked. __38__I realized the central locking meant there was no way I could __39__the car.

The temperature was 40℃ and my mobile phone was locked in the car__40__ I couldn’t call for help. Panicked, I looked around for some help and saw a young man standing by his large truck. Seeing my agitation, he came over and _41__ to try to open the door. He was _42__ in his attempts but failed. My hero went back to his truck and used his phone to call for help.

_43_ my growing anxiety, I forced myself to talk _44__to Max, explaining the situation. He was so good,45__ with his toy, but he was getting distressed. Sweat rolled down his face. Arms and legs, but he was calm and _46_. I told him that someone was coming _47__him.

Eventually automobile association officers _48__ and began to work on the two front doors. _49__was having any success. Anxiety levels _50__. The officers then worked together on the driver’s door, pushing it open, _51__then released the other doors.

I lift Max _52__the car. It was only when the officers poured bottles of water of the two of us to cool him down that he began to _53__.

I thanked the young man for his kindness but he refused _54__to tell his name. I hoped he knew how much his kindness and _55__meant to me that day.

36. A. When B. After C. Since D. Because

37. A. keys B. gifts C. materials D. bags

38. A. Gradually B. Consequently C. Immediately D. Probably

39. A. hold onto B. get into C. peek into D. turn on

40. A. but B. for C. so D. or

41. A. asked B. demanded C. decided D. offered

42. A. tireless B. painful C. rude D. violent

43. A. For B. To C. Despite D. On

44. A. formally B. calmly C. desperately D. nervously

45. A. playing B. dealing C. fighting D. helping

46. A. thinking B. trusting C. angry D. flexible

47. A. scold B. answer C. observe D. rescue

48. A. broke in B. moved in C. stood up D. turned up

49. A. Neither B. It C. Either D. Both

50. A. improved B. dropped C. rose D. declined

51. A. when B. which C. when D. who

52. A. except for B. regardless of C. back from D. thanks to

53. A. cry B. run C. doubt D. shake

54. A. thus B. yet C. even D. still

55. A. support B. problem C. promise D. ability

Section B

Imagine going to your doctor with a complaint of frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription and writes a word on it. The word is not aspirin. It's Mozart.

The idea is not so farfetched. In China, instead of pills, doctors often recommend musical albums with names like Insomnia or Heart, Liver and Lungs, and Chinese people take these musical pieces as prescriptions. In fact, in China music is prescribed as often as herbal medicine to help people with common, everyday problems or to strengthen organs like the liver or the kidneys. Other countries use music for healing as well. In Japan, Mendelssohn’s Spring Song is often used to treat headaches. And hospital in India use different kinds of music to treat mental illness.

Using music as therapy is not new. It dates back to the beginning of civilization, when people got together to play music ob primitive drums and rattles. Music plays a part in every ritual and important life event, from weddings and funerals to crop planting and harvesting to marching people into battle. There is even evidence that music was our first language. Scientists found that 2/3 of the tiny hairs insides human ears respond only to the higher frequency of music, which shows that people probably sang before that talked.

Many kinds of music can stir the imagination and produce strong feelings. For some people, romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance feelings of love and compassion. Religious and spiritual music can help some people feel peace or lessen their pain. But one musician seems to have a unique ability to heal the human bodyMozart. Scientists have found Mozart's music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. It can also increase their perception, and help them express themselves more clearly.

56.In China, doctors often give patients music and__________to help people deal with their problems.

57.What is the probable profession of Mendelssohn, Chopin and Tchaikovsky?_______________________________________

58.Many kinds of music can produce_________ .

59.Why is Mozart’s music especially effective to heal the human body?________________________________________

60.The main idea of this passage is to discuss_______ .

Part 3 Translation

Section A

61.Only when I started working in an international trade, did I realize____________ .(掌握一 门外语有多么重要)

62. ___________________(就利润而言),this corporation ranks the first in 2012.

63.The activist say nobody can _________________(剥夺孩子们受教育的权利).

64.The fact that he changed the idea_____________________(使教授很生气).

65.Mary was born and brought up in America, but she speaks Chinese very fluently ____________(好像就是个土生土长的中国人似得).

Section B

66)There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.In ancient times, Greece, Italy and England were covered with forests. But now almost nothing were left.

Today, trees are being cut down more rapidly. A major cause of present destruction is the worldwide demand for wood.67)In industrial countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture and houses.There is not enough wood in these countries, therefore they have begun taking wood from the forest of Asia, Africa and other countries.

Wood is also in great demand in developing countries.68) In many area, people depend on wood to cook their food.As the population grows, the need for wood grows. But when too many trees are cut down, forests are destroyed. In reality , there is usually no chance to grow back. In this way, many million of acres of forests are destroyed every year.

69)The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to lived there.It also has other effects far way. For example, trees help to absorb heavy rains. When the trees are cut down, the rain pours all at once into the river.

70)But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.Together with increasing pollution , it could cause temperature to raise, and the climate will change around the world. No one would know exactly what effects the world would have on our life. For many people the effects would probably be destructive.

66)There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.


67)In industrial countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture and houses.


68) In many area, people depend on wood to cook their food.


69)The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to lived there.


70)But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.


Part 4 Writing

71. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a compositionWhy did I stop Driving the Car?You should write about 120 words following the Chinese outline given below. Please write your answers on Answer Sheet.






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